

The Asanegar project began with brand research and the development of a brand strategy. During the design phase of Asanegar’s visual identity, adjustments were necessary due to changes in the brand’s strategy and architecture. Based on Asanegar’s new strategy, the focus shifted more towards emphasizing the word “Asa.” This was achieved in the Persian logotype by darkening the word “Asa,” making it more prominent. Additionally, in the English logotype, the word “Negar” was removed and replaced with “group” (asagroup), allowing the creation of sub-brands such as (asacreative) and (asamedia).

According to the brand architecture, Asagroup needed to be visible across all brand touchpoints to establish a foundation for sub-brands that would emerge under the parent brand. This would shape Asanegar’s new brand structure.

Furthermore, changes were made to the bird symbol to make it appear more agile and attractive. The design direction for Asanegar’s visual elements aimed to release the bird from the logo and give it life across different media such as imagery and advertisements, enhancing its impact on the audience’s memory. In the brand’s logo motion, the bird was intended to fly, and in city billboards, instead of being displayed as a two-dimensional image, the bird would be installed in a metal form beneath the boards. Wherever possible, the bird was meant to detach from the logo and gain new life, enhancing the symbol’s presence and dynamic representation of the brand.

Strategist and Consultant: Dr. Farzad Moghaddam

Project Manager: Zahra Nourozi

Brand Research: Zahra Nourozi – Maryam Asghari

Art Director and Logo Designer: Mojtaba Hassanpour

Guideline Developer: Mohammad Khodadadi

Motion Graphics: Kimia AhmadaliKhan